Event Schedule
All Day @ The Pit Stop
Pit Stop Crew
Pop in to the Pit Stop for a chat.
Fireside Party
All Day @ The Pit Stop
Pit Stop Crew
Pop in to the Pit Stop for a chat for help and advice with technical issues.
8:30 PM - 10:30 PM @ The Arena
Light Show
Vans line up in the arena to show off their lights.
Voting of this one is only for the children, be sure to have a colourful display.
10.30 PM - 11:30 PM @ The Pit Stop
Fireside Chat
You are welcome to join us by the fire to enjoy the music and chat.
9.30 AM - 10.30 AM @ The Pit Stop
Morning Coffee
Need help waking up?
Join us at The Pit Stop for a coffee and a chat.
Show and Shine
The main event!
We encourage Transit Vans of all shapes sizes and states of disrepair to come to the arena and join in with the big show and shine event. Each entrant will be lined up in the arena for all to admire.
11.00 AM - 14.00 AM @ The Arena
Show and Shine voting
Entrants and guests can now collect their voting forms and begin to decide which their favourite van is for each category.
2:00 PM - 2.30 PM @ The Arena
Sound Off
Come and have a go if you think you're loud enough!
Vans from the Show and Shine are offered the opportunity to enter the sound off competition where entrants compete for the loudest sound system.
3:00 PM @ The Arena
Transitmania 15 Prizegiving
Its time to announce the winners!
All of the trophies are handed out to this year's winners.